Be the first to get full technical reports of new Threats

Cleafy LABS bulletins series help you stay ahead of cybercriminals by giving you prompt access to deep technical analysis of new threats.

The threats are the ones newly discovered by our best-in-class Threat Intelligence team.

With each bulletin, you will be among the first people worldwide to receive a comprehensive technical report on the new threat.

You’ll get detailed information, such as:

  • Threat’s main features
  • Patterns of attacks
  • Relevant Screenshots of the compromised mobile/web app
  • Snippets of malicious code
  • Geographical distribution of the attack
  • List of malware commands
  • List of IOC’s

To better understand what kind of reports you will receive, please have a look at the TeaBot malware report, that we published early in May 2021 and got mentioned by the major tech and cybersecurity press around the world.

Subscribe now to get all this straight into your inbox.

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